Europe  Hungary
1. 'Eötvös Loránd' University
2. 'Károli Gáspár' University of the Hungarian Reformed Church, Budapest
3. 'Liszt Ferenc' Academy of Music, Budapest
4. 'Pázmány Péter' Catholic University, Budapest
5. Academy of Drama and Film
6. Adventist Theological College
7. Andrássy Gyula University
8. Apor Vilmos Catholic College
9. Archiepiscopal Theological College of Veszprém
10. Baptist Theological Academy
11. Berzsenyi Dániel College
12. Bhaktivedanta Theological College
13. Budapest Business School
14. Budapest Business School: Faculty of International Management and Business
15. Budapest Contemporary Dance College
16. Budapest Entrepreneurial College
17. Budapest Polytechnic
18. Budapest School of Communication
19. Budapest University of Technology and Economics
20. Central European University
21. College for Modern Business Sciences
22. College of Dunaújváros
23. College of Kecskemét
24. College of Nyiregyháza
25. College of Szolnok
26. Corvinus University of Budapest
27. Debrecen University of Reformed Theology
28. Eötvös József College
29. Episcopal and Theological College of Pécs
30. Eszterházy Károly Teacher Training College
31. Evangical-Lutheran Theological University
32. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Automation
33. Gabor Dénes College
34. Heller Farkas College of Economy and Tourism Industry
35. Hungarian Dance Academy
36. Hungarian University of Crafts and Design, Budapest
37. Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest
38. International Business School
39. Károly Róbert College
40. Kodolányi János College
41. Kölcsey Ferenc Teacher Training College of the Reformed Church
42. Pápa Theological Academy of the Reformed Church
43. Pentecostal Theological College
44. Petö András Teacher Training and Training Institute of the Motor Disabled
45. Police Officer Training College
46. Sapientia Monastic Theological College
47. Sárospatak Theological Academy of the Reformed Church
48. Semmelweis University
49. Sola Scriptura Ministers Training and Theological College
50. Széchényi István University
51. Szent Atanáz Greek-Catholic Theological College
52. Szent Bernát Theological College
53. Szent István University
54. Szent Pál Academy
55. Tessedik Sámuel College
56. The Gate of the Teaching Buddhist College
57. Theological College of Eger
58. Theological College of Esztergom
59. Theological College of Gyor
60. Theological College of Szeged
61. Tomori Pál College
62. University of Debrecen
63. University of Jewish Studies
64. University of Kaposvár
65. University of Miskolc
66. University of Pécs
67. University of Szeged
68. University of Veszprém
69. University of West Hungary
70. Vitéz János Roman Catholic Teacher Training College
71. Wesley János Ministers Training College
72. Zsigmond Király College
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