America  Ecuador
1. 'Espiritu Santo' University, Guayaquil
2. Agricultural University of Ecuador, Guayaquil
3. Alfredo Pérez Guerrero University, Quito
4. Andean University Simón Bolívar Ecuador, Quito
5. Armed Forces Polytechnic, Quito
6. Autonomous Regional University of the Andes, Ambato
7. Autonomous University of Quito
8. Casa Grande University, Guayaquil
9. Catholic University of Cuenca
10. Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil
11. Central University of Ecuador, Quito
12. Christian Latin American University, Quito
13. Civil University Eloy Alfaro of Manabí
14. Civil University Vicente Rocafuerte of Guayaquil
15. Cooperative University of Colombia in Ecuador, Ambato
16. Equinox University of Technology, Quito
17. Institute of Technology and Ecology of the Amazon, Quito
18. Institute of Technology of Chimborazo, Riobamba
19. Institute of Technology of the Coast, Guayaquil
20. International University of Ecuador, Quito
21. International University SEK, Quito
22. Israel Technical University, Quito
23. Jefferson University, Guayaquil
24. Manabi Institute of Agricultural Technology, Calceta
25. Metropolitan University, Guayaquil
26. Milagro State University
27. National Polytechnic School, Quito
28. National University of Chimborazo, Riobamba
29. National University of Loja
30. Polytechnic School of Ecuador, Quito
31. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito
32. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito: Ambato Branch
33. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito: Esmeraldas Branch
34. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito: Ibarra Branch
35. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito: Manabí Branch
36. Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito: Santo Domingo de los Colorados Branch
37. Salesian Polytechnical University, Cuenca
38. Salesian Polytechnical University, Cuenca: Guayaquil Branch
39. Salesian Polytechnical University, Cuenca: Quito Branch
40. San Antonio Technical University of Machala
41. State Technical University of Quevedo
42. State University of Bolívar, Guaranda
43. State University of the Peninsula of Santa Elena
44. State University of the South of Manabi
45. Technical Business University of Guayaquil
46. Technical University Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas
47. Technical University of Ambato
48. Technical University of Babahoyo
49. Technical University of Cotopaxi, Latacunga
50. Technical University of Loja
51. Technical University of Machala
52. Technical University of Manabí
53. Technical University of the North, Ibarra
54. Technological Amerindian University, Ambato
55. Technological University of America, Quito
56. Tourism University, Quito
57. University of Azuay
58. University of Cuenca
59. University of Guayaquil
60. University of The Americas, Quito
61. University of the Pacific-School of Business Studies, Quito
62. University San Francisco, Quito
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