Africa  Congo, Democratic Republic
1. Académie des Beaux-Arts
2. Acquatoria University
3. Adventist University of Lukanga Wallace
4. Bel Campus Technological University
5. Cardinal Malula University
6. Catholic Faculties of Kinshasa
7. Catholic University Institute
8. Catholic University of Bukavu
9. Catholic University of the Graben
10. Central University of Kinshasa
11. CEPROMAD University
12. Christian University of Kinshasa
13. Divina Gloria University
14. Don Peti Peti Catholic University
15. Faculty of Protestant Theology of Lubumbashi
16. Franco-American University of Kinshasa
17. Free University of the 'Great Lakes' Region
18. Gelesi University of Ubangi
19. Institut de Formation des Cadres de l'Enseignement primaire
20. Institut supérieur d'Etudes agronomiques de Bengamisa
21. Institut supérieur d'Etudes agronomiques de Mondongo
22. Institut supérieur d'Etudes sociales
23. Institut supérieur de Commerce
24. Institut supérieur des Arts et Métiers
25. Institut supérieur pédagogique
26. Institut supérieur pédagogique
27. Institut supérieur pédagogique
28. Institut supérieur pédagogique technique
29. Institute of Advanced Studies of Commerce
30. Institute of Applied Techniques
31. Institute of Civil and Construction Engineering
32. Institute of Commerce and Finance
33. Institute of Commerce of Kinshasa
34. Institute of Computer Science, Programming and Analysis
35. Institute of Cooperative and Trade Union Management
36. Institute of Development Agents' Training
37. Institute of Information Sciences and Communication
38. Institute of Integrated Accountancy
39. Institute of Labour Studies
40. Institute of Management
41. Institute of Medical Techniques
42. Institute of Rural Development of Tshibashi
43. Institute of Social Studies of Lubumbashi
44. Institute of Statistics of Kinshasa
45. Institute of Statistics of Lubumbashi
46. Institute of Theology and Pastoral Studies of Mayidi
47. Institute of Theology and Philosophy - Saint-Augustin
48. Interfaculty University of Kinshasa
49. International Francophone University/Kananga Campus
50. International University of the Congo
51. Kongo University
52. Methodist University in Katanga
53. National Institute of the Arts
54. National Pedagogical University
55. National School of Finance and Banking Administration
56. Patrice Emery Lumumba University of Wembo-Nyama
57. Pedagogical Institute of Bukavu
58. Pedagogical Institute of Kananga
59. Pedagogical Institute of la Gombe
60. Pedagogical Institute of Lubumbashi
61. Pedagogical Institute of Mbanza-Ngungu
62. Pedagogical Institute of Mbuji-Mayi
63. Pedagogical Institute of Muhangi at Lubero
64. Pedagogical Technical Institute of Kinshasa
65. Polytechnic School of Boma
66. President Joseph Kasa-Vubu University
67. Private University of Kinshasa
68. Private University of Lake Mukamba
69. Private University of Luozi
70. Protestant University of Congo
71. Protestant University of Kimpese
72. School of Computer Science, Electronics and Accountancy
73. Sheppard and Lapsley Presbyterian University of the Congo
74. Simon Kimbangu University
75. Technical and Commercial Institute
76. Technical Institute of Economic and Cooperative Studies of Kinshasa
77. Technical School of Advanced Studies
78. Theological Institute of the Assemblies of God in the Congo
79. University Centre of Bukavu
80. University Colleges of Kinshasa
81. University Institute of Economics, Philosophy and Humanities
82. University Institute of the Congo
83. University of Kinshasa
84. University of Kinshasa Binza
85. University of Kisangani
86. University of Lubumbashi
87. University of Luélé
88. University of Mbuji-Mayi
89. University of the Kasayi
90. University of the Mongola
91. University of the West. Congo, Kananga Campus
92. William Booth University
93. Yangambi Institute of Agronomy
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