About Us
Universities.AC was established in order to create the ultimate database solution for worldwide universities. Most of us, and the people who established the site, were students or will be. We have experienced the life and the needs of a student, foreign students, away from home, for a long period of time. Universities.AC has the most important features to serve the students and the potential students.

Universities.AC Database contains information about the education system of countries, together with details of credential (qualifications), and higher education institutions. The information is organized in three areas:

Education system
Information about a country’s educational structures, its admission requirements, its recognition of foreign credentials and about student life, finances and national bodies.

Credentials (qualifications)
Detailed information about credentials, their level, details of examinations, certificates and the grading system.

Information on Higher Education Institutions including details about their academic divisions, the degrees and diplomas they offer, Location and classification, General Details, Facilities, Statistics and more.

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Want to learn abroad? Search our directory, Ranked alphabetically by Countries and provides all the information you need on your relevant education institute.

Want to learn while you’re sitting on your couch? Our Online universities database system will suit you the best Degree according the matches with your interests, skills, age and location.

Want to learn how to learn? Our academic sources provide all kind of books and publications, Major research collections and libraries database worldwide, for accessing the most important scholarly works of the day.
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